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Michael Evans
President, CEO
Business Consultant

Michael Evans is President and Chief Executive Officer and also holds the position of Chairman of the Board at USPA Nationwide, the international security company founded by Michael and Jamie Evans.

As Chief Executive Officer, Mike uses his extensive executive leadership experience in the security industry to drive the future of and strengthen its leadership position. Throughout his career, he has worked with industry-leading security companies helping to create long term profitability and growth. Mike firmly supports’s focus on innovative solutions, worldwide for security company owners. Some of his recent successes include project management and oversight on various phases of marketing, company creation and branding of security companies around the globe such as:

>> Legion Security Service, Pennsylvania
>> Asymmetric Security Consulting, Virginia
>> Nefertiti Protective Service, California
>> CEBDA Security Corporation, Florida
>> Fab Security, Melbourne Australia
>> Reticle National Security Agency, Oregon
>> Stat Security, New York
>> Principals Interest, Philadelphia
>> Global Vision Security, Los Angeles
>> Miltec Security, Washington DC
>> Credible Security Services, Florida
>> Starlight Security Services, Maryland
>> All State Security, Washington
>> Pembroke Security Group LLC., Michigan
>> Delta Hawk Protective, California
>> Metropolitan Security Management, Maryland

Prior to the emergence of, Mike served in several municipalities in New York as police officer and law enforcement park ranger. Mike’s holds a bachelors degree in legal studies from the State University of New York and his training includes:

>> Basic Academy for Federal Police Officers (VALETC)
>> Conservation Law Enforcement Training Academy (UMASS)
>> Basic Academy for Police Officers 
>> Suffolk County Sheriff’s Academy
>> Basic Academy for Correctional Officers
>> NYPD Auto Crime School
>> Stolen Vehicle Identification Course
>> DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety
>> Driving Under the Influence Course
>> Drug Recognition Expert Course
>> Drug Interdiction for Patrol Course
>> Advanced Traffic Stop Techniques
>> Radar / Lidar Operator's Course
>> Club Drugs Course
>> Gang Training Course
>> Gang Symbolism Course
>> Effective Courtroom Testimony Course
>> Advanced Report Writing
>> Interview and Interrogation Techniques (Wicklander-Zulawski)
>> Advanced Interview and Interrogation Techniques (Wicklander-Zulawski)
>> Interview Techniques (Reid Method)
>> Forensic Nuerographic Investigations
>> S.W.A.T Tactics and Hostage Negotiations Course
>> Informant Development Course
>> NYPD Counter Terrorism Course
>> Dealing with Emotionally Disturbed Persons Course
>> Advanced Use of Force Course
>> Tactical Straight Baton Instructor’s Course
>> Suicide by Cop Course
>> 9mm Pistol, .38 Caliber, 12 Gauge Shotgun, M-16
>> Stun-tech Electronic Immobilization Devices Course
>> Responding to Robbery and Homicide Course
>> Patrol Response to Active Shooters Course
>> Medical First Responder Course
>> CPR and First Aid Course
>> Wilderness First Responder Course
>> Advanced Search and Rescue Course (SAR)
>> NYSPIN Basic Course with Data Entry and Criminal History Certifications
>> Vice for Patrol Course
>> Emergency Medical Dispatch Course

Mike’s law enforcement career was approached with the same tenacity as his business drive. In 14 years of service, Evans produced over 1,000 custodial arrests including New York’s Most Wanted Fugitive (on the night of Easter Sunday at shift change... go figure)

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