Editable Security Business
Standard Operating Procedures
"the world's resource for starting a security company"
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New Edition Added August 2012 - Every Security Business must operate within the guidelines of their Standard Operating Procedures and General Orders. Our Editable Orders are designed to limit liability, and to act as a guided hand during emergency and day to day operations. The lack of a standard operating procedure can greatly increase your vulnerability to civil suits. Download a comprehensive standard operating procedure manual for your security business. A standard operating procedure is your key to limiting liability. Download your editable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) today.
SOP Manual Includes:
>>General Rules & Regulations
>>Harassment & Sexual Harassment
>>Illegal Drugs & Alcohol Abuse
>>Chain of Command
>>Probationary Period
>>Training Requirements
>>Parking Accommodations
>>Employee Issued Lockers
>>Authorized Break Periods
>>Sleeping On Duty & Breaks
>>Smoking On Duty
>>Solicitation & Distribution
>>Civilian Complaints
>>Performance Evaluations
>>Company Uniforms
>>Use of Body Armor
>>Shaving Restrictions
>>Photo Identification Cards
>> Acknowledgement of General Orders (Bonus)
To order your Security Company's Standard Operating Procedures, click below.
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"the world's resource for starting a security company"
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"The world's resource for starting a security company"
SOP Excerpts
"Alcohol and Drug Policy
Substance abuse has an adverse impact on an employee’s work, personal and family lives, as well as on the ability of to provide the highest quality of services. Alcohol and drugs can cause poor performance, decrease productivity and create safety hazards. Consequently, YOUR COMPANY is committed to establishing and maintaining an alcohol and drug free workplace.
YOUR COMPANY is committed to providing a safe work environment and to fostering the well being and health of its employees. That commitment is jeopardized when any YOUR COMPANY employee illegally uses drugs or alcohol on the job, comes to work with these substances present in his/her body, or possesses, distributes, or sells drugs in the workplace. Therefore, YOUR COMPANY has established the following policy:
It’s a violation of company policy for any employee to possess, sell, trade, or offer for sale illegal drugs or otherwise engage in the illegal use of drugs or alcohol on the job. It is a violation of company policy for anyone to report to work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol-that is, with illegal drugs or alcohol in his/her body. It is a violation of the company policy for anyone to use prescription drugs illegally. (However, nothing in this policy precludes the appropriate use of legally prescribed medication.) Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including terminations..."
"Use of Force
Purpose - To establish clear guidelines for YOUR COMPANY security officers regarding the use of force
Security Officers of YOUR COMPANY have traditionally displayed commendable restraint in resorting to the use of physical force. The irreversible consequences of such force places a responsibility on YOUR COMPANY to establish a policy which:
Clearly guides personnel in its application
Maximizes the security officers' safety
Minimizes the possibility of injury to innocent persons
Reduces the unnecessary loss of human life to the lowest level consistent with the need for public safety
Background - There is probably no more serious act that a security officer can engage in than the use of a firearm. The occasions for such use are, literally, life and death situations which are invariably confusing and complex, affording precious little time for meditation or reflection. It is imperative then, that the security officer, through training and the absorption of these guidelines, is able to respond quickly, confident that he or she is acting within the limits of YOUR COMPANY policy. This serves to protect the public from unlawful and unreasonable use of force; at the same time, it enables security officers to act without hesitation, to protect themselves or another person. Perhaps equally important, it minimizes the second-guessing to which the security officer is subjected when no such guidelines exist.
Security Officers should have a thorough knowledge of Your State Law and should periodically review this body of law. Security Officers should bear in mind that State Law only authorizes use of physical force/deadly physical force; it does not command its use. Officers should also be aware that YOUR COMPANY policy is more restrictive than State law in the use of physical force and deadly physical force..."
The SOP template offered by startasecuritycompany.com saved me a lot of hassle and gave me a real good starting point for my company. I strongly recommend their products for anyone interested in starting a security business of their own.
Bill Sawvel
Sawvel-Johnson Corporation
Hi, I purchased your SOP's and was able to immediately utilize a fully editable and functional set of procedures. Saved a lot of time and money!
Jimmie Rogers
Valley Protection & Investigations LLC
>>Use of Force
>>Collapsible Batons
>>OC Foam
>>Prohibited Use of Firearms
>>Prohibited Use of Unauthorized Weapons
>>Patrol Operations
>>Vehicles & Equipment
>>Employee Issued Keys
>>Company & Client Radios
>>Report Procedures
>>Lost & Found Procedures
>>Motorist Assistance
>>Missing Persons
>>Medical Emergencies
>>Bloodborne Pathogens
>>Hazardous Materials
>>Bomb Threats